Los Angeles based STRANGELOVE-The Depeche Mode Experience delivers a
career spanning, pitch perfect “best of” concert that transports the listener through
time and touches on several key points in Depeche Mode’s 40+ year career. Songs
from throughout the Depeche canon are lovingly recreated; from favorites on DM’s
debut Speak and Spell to the newest fare from ‘Mode’s latest- 2017’s “Spirit”. No
detail of STRANGELOVE’s presentation has been overlooked. The visual presentation
with stage set pieces and in-show costume changes reflect different eras
of Depeche Mode’s story.
Truly evocative of a Depeche Mode arena/stadium stage show; the scale of
STRANGELOVE’s theatrical stage production is unparalleled, save for the real
article. Custom-produced multimedia projection visuals delight the concertgoer’s
senses and enhance the illusion that they’re witnessing an actual Depeche Mode
These accomplished musicians have a reverence and devotion to Depeche Mode’s
body of work that's driven them to recreate every possible detail and bring the “Music
To The Masses” in a concert setting that transcends a mere tribute production; and
feels more like a shared communal fan-club celebration of halcyon days of new
wave/emerging electronica. Accuracy and authenticity is a hallmark of the project,
with the band employing as many authentic vintage synthesizers and samplers as
possible in recreating the classic and widely varied sounds of Depeche Mode’s
With over 120 million records sold and a rabid international fan base, Depeche
Mode’s status as elder statesmen of electronica was recently cemented with their
induction into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame last year. Their enormous fan base
encompasses all ages and crosses every demographic. Their last stadium/arena tour in
2018 set world box office records. STRANGELOVE –The Depeche Mode Experience
brings a thoroughly enjoyable and staggeringly authentic DM concert to concertgoers,
and connects with international audiences, wherever the group performs.